Container/App Request: Linux Desktop and RStudio / RStudio Server

Hello all,

Looking for some container recipes for a linux graphical desktop and RStudio or RStudio Server so I don’t have to start from scratch. Are there some defaults already in OOD that are available at a repository somewhere? Our OOD installation isn’t quite ready, but I want to get some of our users used to the new container apps they’ll be using.

Patrick Clemins
University of Vermont

Hello and thanks for posting!

For the linux desktop you will have an app included with OOD for this called Desktop, which has documentation to setup here:

For Rstudio, you’ll want first to just take a look at the interactive app docs to have on hand:

And we have an Rstudio app at OSC that you can look at and probably harvest some good amount of code from without starting from scratch:

If you have anymore questions or follow up on these please just let us know.

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