RStudio Desktop App with any of the new Posit versions of RStudio?

Has anyone had luck getting and RStudio App working that is the Desktop version (not a containerized Server version) that is anything newer than RStudio version 2022.07.2? The newer versions of RStudio have that annoying sandbox that causes trouble. When used, even with the --no-sandbox option, I still cannot get RStudio to work as a standalone app. I just get a gray screen. Is it just impossible, as is, and I should just stick with the last version that does not have the sandbox for now? We don’t want to chown the sandbox file to root and set the permissions as recommended (sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox). Anybody else have better luck? Suggestions? I’m ready to just go back to using the slightly older version, which works without issue, at this point.


I was not even aware of a desktop version. We run 2023.06.1 at OSC, but it is just rstudio server.

Thanks, Jeff.

When I worked at UMich, we used the Desktop version which was basically the same as the MATLAB app but running rstudio desktop version. UVM (where I am now) has been using RStudio Server for their OOD offering, but I’d like to swap to the desktop version to not have to contend with containers and to be able to, more easily, offer our own selection of R versions. RStudio desktop has changed a lot in all versions subsequent to 2022.07.2. It’s been an issue for others (as found in google searches), but I haven’t found a way to make the new RStudio desktop work as a standalone app in OOD. I might just stick with 2022.07.2 for now, unless someone chimes in to say they have figured out a way to make the new versions work.

Thanks again,


It seems to be possible to use a straight RStudio server version without containers.
We have a 2023.x version from unpacked RPM.

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