Custom error page when home directories are full

I have the persistent problem of home directories filling up and it breaking OOD. This is mostly from newer users saving data in their home and not OOD being the culprit filling it up.

The problem is OOD just fails, it doesn’t tell them why. So they generate a ticket which we then tell them their quota is maxed out.

I’ve found OOD_DATAROOT as an option to modify locations for the ood files in a home directory. I’d rather not change that variable, but rather have a more descriptive page when they get that failure mode.

If there was a page that said to clean out your home directory it seems like that would be easier all around for everyone. And if it had the ability to add a custom message where I could drop my wiki link about buying shared lab storage even better.

Is anything like this possible to do right now or would this be a good feature request?

Likely a good feature request - if we don’t already have the ticket (I’m 50/50 on whether we do or not).

I don’t believe there’s a good way to fix this right now, but I do know it’s an issue even we have at OSC.

Hey Jeff,
I made a github issue. This seems like a big bang for the buck for such a small feature. If you and I are having this problem then it’s most likely an issue everywhere. It would be great if you could help get it prioritized.

Thanks for the ticket. I scheduled it for 4.0 (the next release), but I don’t know what’s involved in it and 4.0 is already looking a bit like a death march, so we’ll see if I can squeeze it in.

Can confirm this is a common problem on various clusters I work with.