Encountering 'blocked host' error

I’ve had a new alias added in our DNS space, and have updated our ssl cert to include the new alias as hostname. I followed the same strategy on another production ood portal host here at CWRU.

In this case, authentication works with ondemand, but the dashboard loads ‘empty’ – just a blank page, with the phrase “blocked host” in the log for my account under /var/log/ondemand-nginx//error.log

App 1055624 output: [2024-12-19 16:18:21 -0500 ] ERROR “[ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::DefaultResponseApp] Blocked host: ondemand-markov.case.edu”
App 1055624 output: [2024-12-19 16:21:50 -0500 ] ERROR “[ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::DefaultResponseApp] Blocked host: ondemand-markov.case.edu”
App 1055624 output: [2024-12-19 16:26:04 -0500 ] ERROR “[ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::DefaultResponseApp] Blocked host: ondemand-markov.case.edu”

The alias is listed here at the blocked host. Using the physical server canonical name redirects, and leads also to the message that the host is blocked.

I am just not seeing what’s wrong. Authentication is fine. The canonical host name and the alias each appear in the ssl certificate. but access to the dashboard is blocked…

Happy for any help/insights

Hey @emily.dragowsky sorry for the troubles.

The error looks to be due to Rails not initializing the allowed_hosts correctly with this alias which causes ActionDispatch to throw the error due to the initializer not setting correctly.

When you made the change, did you add the new alias to the ood_portal.yml under the server_alias attribute? If so, did you issue the update_ood_portal command and restart apache after that? Without the restart the initializer won’t pick up the changes, so that’s important to ensure.

Let me know if the error persists though!