OOD v3.0 has 403 issue after a new installation on CentOS7

Hello all,

I have tried installing OOD v3.0 on CentOS7 from yum repo as mentioned in the documentation.

After installation, when i try to access the dashboard - it fails after authentication that i am not authorized to see the page, with error code 403.

When i look at the logs - i see this error.
ERROR "[ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::DefaultResponseApp] Blocked host:

If i try the same machine, with a lower verson of OOD such as v2 - everything seems to work fine.

May i know if something has changed with v3.0 with respect to authorizing a host?


The servername has to match host of the URL you’re trying to access. For example we configure our production machines with servername: ondemand.osc.edu and that’s the host we use when we connect to it though the browser.

Do you have some other host you’re trying to access? Like you’re trying to access it in your web browser through the IP?

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