When trying to set up virtual desktops we keep getting this error in the output log for the virtual desktop
/usr/bin/id: cannot find name for user ID 2614687
/usr/bin/id: cannot find name for group ID 2000513
/usr/bin/id: cannot find name for user ID 2614687
Setting VNC password...
Error: no HOME environment variable
Starting VNC server...
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
Cleaning up...
vncserver: The HOME environment variable is not set.
i havent touched the form.yml file but have set up a dir called submit for submission and here is the yaml for it
before_script: |
# Export the module function if it exists
[[ $(type -t module) == "function" ]] && export -f module
I’d add something like this to setup the environment. If you run a scheduler like Slurm - it doesn’t setup a bash environment, so you may need to force it by sourcing /etc/profile or similar.
before_script: |
# source /etc/profile to setup the environment.
. /etc/profile
# Export the module function if it exists
[[ $(type -t module) == "function" ]] && export -f module
first off good guess we are running slurm. and second off i added that to the submit and restarted httpd and still getting the same error. i saw in a previous post about this problem that you may have to clear the pun’s but have no idea how to do that.
ok cleared the puns and still getting the error’s. is there logging somewhere else i can turn up to know what im doing wrong? also do i need to have a shell script that enter’s the vnc session into the slurm scheduler.
Ok so after getting some much needed sleep i think i see the problem. We have set home to be on a nfs mount so when a user launches they can have all of their slurm scripts with them no matter what node get’s selected. and at the top of the error i see it cant find my UID and GID and because of that can not set my home dir. is there away for me to set a custom home?
So what i think might be happening is that when the job gets dispatched to a node it tries to read the nodes /etc/profile and can not. so would it make sense to make a sethome.sh in /etc/profile.d to have it load home that way?
Hello so ive made some progress but now im getting a slurm error when trying to call the virtual desktop
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 3: module: command not found
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 134: hostname: command not found
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 134: awk: command not found
Setting VNC password...
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 125: head: command not found
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 125: head: command not found
Error: no HOME environment variable
Starting VNC server...
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 150: seq: command not found
Cleaning up...
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 30: awk: command not found
/usr/bin/env: 'perl': No such file or directory
/cm/local/apps/slurm/var/spool/job415849/slurm_script: line 34: pkill: command not found
do i need to have my slurm admin add a module to load VNC?
No, but it looks like you need to fix your PATH. OOD uses --export NONE when it submits jobs, but sometimes we need to fix that like what we do on our production desktops below.
script_wrapper: |
# source /etc/profile to setup the environment.
. /etc/profile/
# reset SLURM_EXPORT_ENV so that things like srun & sbatch work out of the box
So we ended up having to modify the vnc.rb files in order to get websockify to initiate to then call VNC. here is what we changed.
require "ood_core/refinements/hash_extensions"
module OodCore
module BatchConnect
class Factory
using Refinements::HashExtensions
# Build the VNC template from a configuration
# @param config [#to_h] the configuration for the batch connect template
def self.build_vnc(config)
context = config.to_h.symbolize_keys.reject { |k, _| k == :template }
module Templates
# A batch connect template that starts up a VNC server within a batch job
class VNC < Template
# @param context [#to_h] the context used to render the template
# @option context [#to_sym, Array<#to_sym>] :conn_params ([]) A list of
# connection parameters added to the connection file (`:host`,
# `:port`, `:password`, `:spassword`, `:display` and `:websocket`
# will always exist)
# @option context [#to_s] :websockify_cmd
# ("${WEBSOCKIFY_CMD:-/opt/websockify/run}") the path to the
# websockify script (assumes you don't modify `:after_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :vnc_log ("vnc.log") path to vnc server log
# file (assumes you don't modify `:before_script` or `:after_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :vnc_passwd ("vnc.passwd") path to the file
# generated that contains the encrypted vnc password (assumes you
# don't modify `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :vnc_args arguments used when starting up the
# vnc server (overrides any specific vnc argument) (assumes you don't
# modify `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :name ("") name of the vnc server session
# (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify
# `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :geometry ("") resolution of vnc display (not
# set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify
# `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :dpi ("") dpi of vnc display (not set if
# blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify
# `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :fonts ("") command delimited list of fonts
# available in vnc display (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set)
# (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :idle ("") timeout vnc server if no
# connection in this amount of time in seconds (not set if blank or
# `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :extra_args ("") any extra arguments used
# when initializing the vnc server process (not set if blank or
# `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)
# @option context [#to_s] :vnc_clean ("...") script used to clean up
# any active vnc sessions (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`
# or `:clean_script`)
# @see Template
def initialize(context = {})
# We need to know the VNC and websockify connection information
def conn_params
(super + [:display, :websocket, :spassword]).uniq
# Before running the main script, start up a VNC server and record
# the connection information
def before_script
<<-EOT.gsub(/^ {14}/, "")
# Setup one-time use passwords and initialize the VNC password
function change_passwd () {
echo "Setting VNC password..."
password=$(create_passwd "#{password_size}")
spassword=${spassword:-$(create_passwd "#{password_size}")}
umask 077
echo -ne "${password}\\n${spassword}" | vncpasswd -f > "#{vnc_passwd}"
# Start up vnc server (if at first you don't succeed, try, try again)
echo "Starting VNC server..."
for i in $(seq 1 10); do
# Clean up any old VNC sessions that weren't cleaned before
# for turbovnc 3.0 compatability.
if timeout 2 vncserver --help 2>&1 | grep 'nohttpd' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Attempt to start VNC server
VNC_OUT=$(vncserver -log "#{vnc_log}" -rfbauth "#{vnc_passwd}" -noxstartup 2>&1)
VNC_PID=$(pgrep -s 0 Xvnc) # the script above will daemonize the Xvnc process
echo "${VNC_OUT}"
# Sometimes Xvnc hangs if it fails to find working disaply, we
# should kill it and try again
kill -0 ${VNC_PID} 2>/dev/null && [[ "${VNC_OUT}" =~ "Fatal server error" ]] && kill -TERM ${VNC_PID}
# Check that Xvnc process is running, if not assume it died and
# wait some random period of time before restarting
kill -0 ${VNC_PID} 2>/dev/null || sleep 0.$(random_number 1 9)s
# If running, then all is well and break out of loop
kill -0 ${VNC_PID} 2>/dev/null && break
# If we fail to start it after so many tries, then just give up
kill -0 ${VNC_PID} 2>/dev/null || clean_up 1
# Parse output for ports used
display=$(echo "${VNC_OUT}" | awk -F':' '/^Desktop/{print $NF}')
echo "Successfully started VNC server on ${host}:${port}..."
# Run the script under the VNC server's display
def run_script
%(DISPLAY=:${display} #{super})
# After startup the main script, scan the VNC server log file for
# successful connections so that the password can be reset
def after_script
websockify_cmd = context.fetch(:websockify_cmd, "${WEBSOCKIFY_CMD:-/opt/websockify/run}").to_s
<<-EOT.gsub(/^ {14}/, "")
# Launch websockify websocket server
echo "Starting websocket server..."
#{websockify_cmd}websockify -D ${websocket} localhost:${port}
# Set up background process that scans the log file for successful
# connections by users, and change the password after every
# connection
echo "Scanning VNC log file for user authentications..."
while read -r line; do
if [[ ${line} =~ "Full-control authentication enabled for" ]]; then
done < <(tail -f --pid=${SCRIPT_PID} "#{vnc_log}") &
# Clean up the running VNC server and any other stale VNC servers
def clean_script
<<-EOT.gsub(/^ {14}/, "")
[[ -n ${display} ]] && vncserver -kill :${display}
# Log file for VNC server
def vnc_log
context.fetch(:vnc_log, "vnc.log").to_s
# Password file for VNC server
def vnc_passwd
context.fetch(:vnc_passwd, "vnc.passwd").to_s
# Arguments sent to `vncserver` command
def vnc_args
context.fetch(:vnc_args) do
name = context.fetch(:name, "").to_s
geometry = context.fetch(:geometry, "").to_s
dpi = context.fetch(:dpi, "").to_s
fonts = context.fetch(:fonts, "").to_s
idle = context.fetch(:idle, "").to_s
extra_args = context.fetch(:extra_args, "").to_s
args = []
args << "-name #{name}" unless name.empty?
args << "-geometry #{geometry}" unless geometry.empty?
args << "-dpi #{dpi}" unless dpi.empty?
args << "-fp #{fonts}" unless fonts.empty?
args << "-idletimeout #{idle}" unless idle.empty?
args << extra_args
args.join(" ")
# Clean up any stale VNC sessions
def vnc_clean
context.fetch(:vnc_clean) do
%(vncserver -list | awk '/^:/{system("kill -0 "$2" 2>/dev/null || vncserver -kill "$1)}')
could you please tell me how you would like me to proceed with our findings by opening up an issue or a pull request to fix this? Thank you