Initial install does not display dashboard

Hi, I’m trying to install ood for the first time and can only get the Apache test page to display.

According to this page:
I should be presented with the OnDemand dashboard. I’ve tried following the install instructions in the previous sections of that documentation as well as trying this ansible role:

I’m working on an AWS ec2 instance running rocky8.

Does anyone have any ideas of what might have gone wrong?


Hello and welcome!

Would it be possible to see the ood_portal.yml file you are currently using? That would be the first spot to start debugging.

Also, logs that may be useful to check would be /var/log/httpd/<hostname>_error.log which is where any configuration errors for OOD will be logged to.

I haven’t made any modifications to the ood_portal.yml

contents of ood_portal.yml

sudo cat /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml 
# Ansible managed
# Portal configuration

# The address and port to listen for connections on
# Example:
#     listen_addr_port: 443
# Default: null (don't add any more listen directives)
#listen_addr_port: null

# The server name used for name-based Virtual Host
# Example:
#     servername: ''
# Default: null (don't use name-based Virtual Host)
servername: localhost

# The server name used for rewrites
# Example:
#     proxy_server: ''
# Default: The value of servername
#proxy_server: null

# The port specification for the Virtual Host
# Example:
#     port: 8080
#Default: null (use default port 80 or 443 if SSL enabled)
port: 80

# List of SSL Apache directives
# Example:
#     ssl:
#       - 'SSLCertificateFile "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"'
#       - 'SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/pki/tls/private/"'
# Default: null (no SSL support)
# Default: null (no SSL support)

# Root directory of log files (can be relative ServerRoot)
# Example:
#     logroot: '/path/to/my/logs'
# Default: 'logs' (this is relative to ServerRoot)
logroot: "/var/log/httpd"

# Error log filename
# Example:
#     errorlog: 'error.log'
# Default: 'error.log' (If 'servername' and 'ssl' options are defined 
# the default value will be <servername>_error_ssl.log)
#errorlog: 'error.log'

# Access log filename
# Example:
#     accesslog: 'access.log'
# Default: 'access.log' (If 'servername' and 'ssl' options are defined 
# the default value will be <servername>_access_ssl.log)
#accesslog: 'access.log'

# Apache access log format (Don't specify log nickname see:
# Example:
#     logformat: '"%v %h \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %T"'
# Default: Apache combined format

# Should RewriteEngine be used
# Example:
#     use_rewrites: false
# Default: true
use_rewrites: true

# Should Maintenance Rewrite rules be added
# Example:
#   use_maintenance: false
# Default: true
use_maintenance: true

# List of IPs to whitelist when maintenance is enabled
# Example:
#   maintenance_ip_whitelist:
#     - 192.168.0..*
#     - 192.168.1..*
# Default: [] (no IPs whitelisted)
maintenance_ip_whitelist: []

# Set Header Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors.
# Example:
#   security_csp_frame_ancestors:
# Example to disable setting:
#   security_csp_frame_ancestors: false
# Default: based on servername and ssl settings

# Set Header Strict-Transport-Security to help enforce SSL
# Example:
#   security_strict_transport: false
# Default: true when ssl is enabled, false otherwise
#security_strict_transport: false

# Root directory of the Lua handler code
# Example:
#     lua_root: '/path/to/lua/handlers'
# Default : '/opt/ood/mod_ood_proxy/lib' (default install directory of mod_ood_proxy)
lua_root: "/opt/ood/mod_ood_proxy/lib"

# Verbosity of the Lua module logging
# (see
# Example:
#     lua_log_level: 'warn'
# Default: 'info' (get verbose logs)
lua_log_level: "info"

# Lua regular expression used to map authenticated-user to system-user
# This configuration is ignored if user_map_cmd is defined
# Example:
#     user_map_match: '^([^@]+)@.*$'
# Default: '.*'
user_map_match: '.*'

# System command used to map authenticated-user to system-user
# This option takes precedence over user_map_match
# Example:
#     user_map_cmd: '/usr/local/bin/ondemand-usermap'
# Default: null (use user_map_match)
#user_map_cmd: null

# Use an alternative CGI environment variable instead of REMOTE_USER for
# determining the authenticated-user fed to the mapping script
# Example:
#     user_env: 'OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username'
# Default: null (use REMOTE_USER)
#user_env: null

# Redirect user to the following URI if fail to map there authenticated-user to
# a system-user
# Example:
#     map_fail_uri: '/register'
# Default: null (don't redirect, just display error message)
#map_fail_uri: null

# System command used to run the `nginx_stage` script with sudo privileges
# Example:
#     pun_stage_cmd: 'sudo /path/to/nginx_stage'
# Default: 'sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage' (don't forget sudo)
pun_stage_cmd: "sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage"

# List of Apache authentication directives
# NB: Be sure the appropriate Apache module is installed for this
# Default: (see below, uses OIDC auth with Dex)
#  - 'AuthType openid-connect'
#  - 'Require valid-user'
- 'AuthType Basic'
- 'AuthName "private"'
- 'AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/.htpasswd"'
- 'RequestHeader unset Authorization'
- 'Require valid-user'

# Redirect user to the following URI when accessing root URI
# Example:
#     root_uri: '/my_uri'
#     # =>
# Default: '/pun/sys/dashboard' (default location of the OOD Dashboard app)
root_uri: /pun/sys/dashboard

# Track server-side analytics with a Google Analytics account and property
# (see for
# information on how to setup the GA property)
# Example:
#     analytics:
#       url: ''
#       id: 'UA-79331310-4'
# Default: null (do not track)
#analytics: null

# Publicly available assets

# Public sub-uri (available to public with no authentication)
# Example:
#     public_uri: '/assets'
# Default: '/public'
public_uri: "/public"

# Root directory that serves the public sub-uri (be careful, everything under
# here is open to the public)
# Example:
#     public_root: '/path/to/public/assets'
# Default: '/var/www/ood/public'
public_root: "/var/www/ood/public"

# Logout redirect helper

# Logout sub-uri
# Example
#     logout_uri: '/log_me_out'
# NB: If you change this, then modify the Dashboard app with the new sub-uri
# Default: '/logout' (the Dashboard app is by default going to expect this)
logout_uri: "/logout"

# Redirect user to the following URI when accessing logout URI
# Example:
#     logout_redirect: '/oidc?'
# Default: '/pun/sys/dashboard/logout' (the Dashboard app provides a simple
# HTML page explaining logout to the user)
logout_redirect: "/pun/sys/dashboard/logout"

# Reverse proxy to backend nodes

# Regular expression used for whitelisting allowed hostnames of nodes
# Example:
#     host_regex: '[\w.-]+\.example\.com'
# Default: '[^/]+' (allow reverse proxying to all hosts, this allows external
# hosts as well)
host_regex: '[^/]+'

# Sub-uri used to reverse proxy to backend web server running on node that
# knows the full URI path
# Example:
#     node_uri: '/node'
# Default: null (disable this feature)
#node_uri: null

# Sub-uri used to reverse proxy to backend web server running on node that
# ONLY uses *relative* URI paths
# Example:
#     rnode_uri: '/rnode'
# Default: null (disable this feature)
#rnode_uri: null

# Per-user NGINX Passenger apps

# Sub-uri used to control PUN processes
# Example:
#     nginx_uri: '/my_pun_controller'
# Default: '/nginx'
nginx_uri: /nginx

# Sub-uri used to access the PUN processes
# Example:
#     pun_uri: '/my_pun_apps'
# Default: '/pun'
pun_uri: "/pun"

# Root directory that contains the PUN Unix sockets that the proxy uses to
# connect to
# Example:
#     pun_socket_root: '/path/to/pun/sockets'
# Default: '/var/run/ondemand-nginx' (default location set in nginx_stage)
pun_socket_root: "/var/run/ondemand-nginx"

# Number of times the proxy attempts to connect to the PUN Unix socket before
# giving up and displaying an error to the user
# Example:
#     pun_max_retries: 25
# Default: 5 (only try 5 times)
pun_max_retries: 5

# The PUN pre hook command to execute as root
# Example:
#    pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: '/opt/hpc-site/ood_pun_prehook'
# Default: null (do not run any PUN pre hook as root)
# pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: null

# Comma separated list of environment variables to pass from the apache context
# into the PUN pre hook. Defaults to null so nothing is exported.
# Example:
#    pun_pre_hook_exports: 'OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN,OIDC_CLAIM_EMAIL'
# Default: null (pass nothing)
# pun_pre_hook_exports: null

# Support for OpenID Connect

# Sub-uri used by mod_auth_openidc for authentication
# Example:
#     oidc_uri: '/oidc'
# Default: null (disable OpenID Connect support)
#oidc_uri: null

# Sub-uri user is redirected to if they are not authenticated. This is used to
# *discover* what ID provider the user will login through.
# Example:
#     oidc_discover_uri: '/discover'
# Default: null (disable support for discovering OpenID Connect IdP)
#oidc_discover_uri: null

# Root directory on the filesystem that serves the HTML code used to display
# the discovery page
# Example:
#     oidc_discover_root: '/var/www/ood/discover'
# Default: null (disable support for discovering OpenID Connect IdP)
#oidc_discover_root: null

# Support for registering unmapped users
# (Not necessary if using regular expressions for mapping users)

# Sub-uri user is redirected to if unable to map authenticated-user to
# system-user
# Example:
#     register_uri: '/register'
# Default: null (display error to user if mapping fails)
#register_uri: null

# Root directory on the filesystem that serves the HTML code used to register
# an unmapped user
# Example:
#     register_root: '/var/www/ood/register'
# Default: null (display error to user if mapping fails)
#register_root: null

# OIDC metadata URL
# Example:
#     oidc_provider_metadata_url:
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_provider_metadata_url: null

# OIDC client ID
# Example:
#     oidc_client_id:
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_client_id: null

# OIDC client secret
# Example:
#     oidc_client_secret: 334389048b872a533002b34d73f8c29fd09efc50
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_client_secret: null

# OIDC remote user claim. This is the claim that populates REMOTE_USER
# Example:
#     oidc_remote_user_claim: preferred_username
# Default: preferred_username
#oidc_remote_user_claim: preferred_username

# OIDC scopes
# Example:
#     oidc_scope: "openid profile email groups"
# Default: "openid profile email"
#oidc_scope: "openid profile email"

# OIDC session inactivity timeout
# Example:
#     oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 28800
# Default: 28800
#oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 28800

# OIDC session max duration
# Example:
#     oidc_session_max_duration: 28800
# Default: 28800
#oidc_session_max_duration: 28800

# OIDC max number of state cookies and if to automatically clean old cookies
# Example:
#     oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "10 true"
# Default: "10 true"
#oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "10 true"

# OIDC Enable SameSite cookie
# When ssl is defined this defaults to 'Off'
# When ssl is not defined this defaults to 'On'
# Example:
#     oidc_cookie_same_site: 'Off'
# Default: 'On'
#oidc_cookie_same_site: "On"

# Additional OIDC settings as key-value pairs
# Example:
#     oidc_settings:
#       OIDCPassIDTokenAs: serialized
#       OIDCPassRefreshToken: On
# Default: {} (empty hash)

# Dex configurations, values inside the "dex" structure are directly used to configure Dex
# If the value for "dex" key is false or null, Dex support is disabled
# Dex support will auto-enable if ondemand-dex package is installed
  # Default based on if ssl key for ood-portal-generator is defined
#  ssl: false
  # Only used if SSL is disabled
#  http_port: "5556"
  # Only used if SSL is enabled
#  https_port: "5554"
  # tls_cert and tls_key take OnDemand configured values for ssl and copy keys to /etc/ood/dex maintaining file names
#  tls_cert: null
#  tls_key: null
#  storage_file: /etc/ood/dex/dex.db
#  grpc: null
#  expiry: null
  # Client ID, defaults to servername or FQDN
#  client_id: null
#  client_name: OnDemand
  # Client secret, value auto generated
  # A value that is a filesystem path can be used to store secret in a file
#  client_secret: /etc/ood/dex/ondemand.secret
   # The OnDemand redirectURI is auto-generated, this option allows adding additional URIs
#  client_redirect_uris: []
  # Additional Dex OIDC clients to configure
#  static_clients: []
  # The following example is to configure OpenLDAP
  # Docs:
#  connectors:
#    - type: ldap
#      id: ldap
#      name: LDAP
#      config:
#        host:
#        insecureSkipVerify: false
#        bindDN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
#        bindPW: admin
#        userSearch:
#          baseDN: ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
#          filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
#          username: uid
#          idAttr: uid
#          emailAttr: mail
#          nameAttr: gecos
#          preferredUsernameAttr: uid
#        groupSearch:
#          baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org
#          filter: "(objectClass=posixGroup)"
#          userMatchers:
#            - userAttr: DN
#              groupAttr: member
#          nameAttr: cn
#  frontend:
#    theme: ondemand
#    dir: /usr/share/ondemand-dex/web
[root@ondemand-master httpd]# cat localhost_error.log 
[Wed Mar 30 19:29:58.292422 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 21154:tid 139837803661632] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCProviderMetadataURL SHOULD be "https" for security reasons!
[Wed Mar 30 19:29:58.292435 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 21154:tid 139837803661632] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI SHOULD be "https" for security reasons (moreover: some Providers may reject non-HTTPS URLs)

Ok, looking at the ood_portal.yml it looks like the servername is still set to localhost which it shouldn’t be. So you likely need to tell ansible that you want that servername set to whatever you’ve given the server.

Notice the default there is just servername: localhost which is probably not what you are wanting to use for your server.

OK, this is the start of mk ood_portal.yml now

# Ansible managed
# Portal configuration

# The address and port to listen for connections on
# Example:
#     listen_addr_port: 443
# Default: null (don't add any more listen directives)
#listen_addr_port: null

# The server name used for name-based Virtual Host
# Example:
#     servername: ''
# Default: null (don't use name-based Virtual Host)
servername: ondemand-master

# The server name used for rewrites
# Example:
#     proxy_server: ''
# Default: The value of servername
#proxy_server: null

# The port specification for the Virtual Host
# Example:
#     port: 8080
#Default: null (use default port 80 or 443 if SSL enabled)
port: 80

I reran my playbook so that was generated by ansible so I’m assuming all the post actions took place.

I’m still just getting the apache test page.

Sorry, let’s back up.

I’m trying to understand what has been configured. The ansible repo will still need many things set in order to work, so if you are just pulling it and running it, it is going to fail hard.

The install instructions that can guide you in what all you should be setting for ansible can be gleaned from the install instructions here:

The idea is to set what you need for your site’s configuration in that ood_portal.yml file so you can configure the web node. It sounds like you are running ansible without any configs being set there, which will result in nothing really being configured for you web node.

I started off with the instructions that you linked and tried those. I installed from the rpms, I disabled selinux, I started the services, and that didn’t work so I tried the ansible role.
On this page it says I should be presented with a portal if everything installed correctly, but in the previous installation steps it doesn’t say anything about modifying the ood_portal.yml file

Ok, so then when you navigate to http://ondemand-master:80 you are seeing the apache page? I am trying to make sure I understand everything that is going on.

When you did the install instructions initially, did you use the ondemand-dex package listed in step 5 out of curiosity and setup the ood user?

OK, just rebuilt my ec2 fresh. I’m using this ansible code to install:


- name: "Install ondemand repo"
    state: present
    disable_gpg_check: yes

- name: install the 'Development tools' package group
    name: '@ruby:2.7'
    state: present

- name: install the 'Development tools' package group
    name: '@nodejs:12'
    state: present

- name: "Install ondemand"
    name: ondemand
    state: present

- name: "Install ondemand-dex"
    name: ondemand-dex
    state: present

# TODO: remove this selinux and use the common role
- name: "Disable SELinux"
  become: yes
    state: disabled

- name: "add ood group"
    name: "ood"

- name: "add ood user"
    cmd: "useradd -d /users/ood -g ood -k /etc/skel -m ood"

- name: "start ondemand-dex"
    name: "ondemand-dex"
    enabled: yes
    state: started

- name: "start apache"
    name: "httpd"
    enabled: yes
    state: started

I was actually getting the apache test page on https which makes sense. I’m trying http://<ip_address>:80 and I’m getting this error:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

And the contents of /var/log/error.log

[root@ondemand-master httpd]# cat error.log
[Thu Mar 31 17:57:43.766702 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 50786:tid 140603839113536] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCProviderMetadataURL SHOULD be "https" for security reasons!
[Thu Mar 31 17:57:43.766716 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 50786:tid 140603839113536] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI SHOULD be "https" for security reasons (moreover: some Providers may reject non-HTTPS URLs)
[Thu Mar 31 17:58:36.539266 2022] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 50791:tid 140602935047936] [client] oidc_authenticate_user: the URL hostname (ondemand-master) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL hostname of the URL being accessed ( the "state" and "session" cookies will not be shared between the two!
[Thu Mar 31 17:58:47.033745 2022] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 50789:tid 140602901313280] [client] oidc_authenticate_user: the URL hostname (ondemand-master) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL hostname of the URL being accessed ( the "state" and "session" cookies will not be shared between the two!
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:16.473197 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 53600:tid 140676418242880] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCProviderMetadataURL SHOULD be "https" for security reasons!
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:16.473215 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 53600:tid 140676418242880] oidc_check_config_openid_openidc: the URL scheme (http) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI SHOULD be "https" for security reasons (moreover: some Providers may reject non-HTTPS URLs)
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.335879 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_clean_expired_state_cookies: state (mod_auth_openidc_state_YOQ9yArcur5DUOjFPPQXjMI5CsI) has expired (original_url=
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.335979 2022] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_util_jwt_verify: parsing JWT failed: [src/jose.c:753: oidc_jwe_decrypt_impl]: encrypted JWT could not be decrypted with any of the 1 keys: error for last tried key is: crypto error [file: jwe.c, function: _cjose_jwe_decrypt_dat_a256gcm, line: 1263]
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.335984 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_clean_expired_state_cookies: state cookie could not be retrieved/decoded, deleting: mod_auth_openidc_state_hFuwWS5GkqHF-buFfBh0umbIubI
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.335999 2022] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_util_jwt_verify: parsing JWT failed: [src/jose.c:753: oidc_jwe_decrypt_impl]: encrypted JWT could not be decrypted with any of the 1 keys: error for last tried key is: crypto error [file: jwe.c, function: _cjose_jwe_decrypt_dat_a256gcm, line: 1263]
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.336003 2022] [auth_openidc:warn] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_clean_expired_state_cookies: state cookie could not be retrieved/decoded, deleting: mod_auth_openidc_state_Te1tWlukpYY4H-H92VxA3XlSQt8
[Thu Mar 31 18:03:36.336014 2022] [auth_openidc:error] [pid 53602:tid 140675337119488] [client] oidc_authenticate_user: the URL hostname (ondemand-master) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL hostname of the URL being accessed ( the "state" and "session" cookies will not be shared between the two!

Hi Robert.

Travis is away right now, so I’m going to step in.

The problem that you are having is. You cannot use the IP Address in your URL. Your URL host must match the servername in the ood_portal.yml

Since you have ondemand-master as your servername, your URL must be http://ondemand-master

If you do not have a DNS record resolving that name, then you will need to use a host override in your local machine.

Please try http://ondemand-master and see what you get?


I’ll have to setup a Route53 CNAME. I’m deploying on an AWS ec2 instance and trying to access it with my laptop. I’ll try that and report back.

what is the domain name that you are using?

When I actually got back to this and reread Gerald’s response, yeah, my local /etc/hosts entry matching the ood_portal.yml entry did the trick. I’ve got the portal up so on to the next step.


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