We support multiple clusters thru a single OnDemand instance. In general this works well, but for File Explorer’s “Open in Terminal” menu, the “ssh” target is a constant set by DEFAULT_SSHHOST. For most of our users this is fine. However, if a user is, e.g., compiling software, then which cluster that interactive window is on matters to them even the the directories are shared. I know users can do Dashboard->Clusters->desired cluster, get a shell window, and “cd” from there, but some users here like the File Explorer-> Open in Terminal approach, so I’d like to let them pick a cluster from a dropdown list off of the “Open in Terminal” menu button.
Is there a way to do that, without locally modifying parts of rpm packages (which is not sustainable)?
That is a really good use case, and I don’t think there is a way to do this right now without modifying the rpm deployed app code. I’ll mark this as a feature request.
I tried adding OOD_SSH_HOSTS="login.ocelote.hpc.arizona.edu:Ocelote,login.elgato.hpc.arizona.edu:ElGato"
to /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env, after commenting out the DEFAULT_SSHHOST entry in that file. While I no longer have a default ssh host, I also don’t have a dropdown for the
“>_ Open in Terminal”
menu in file explorer. Did I add this to the wrong file, or is my syntax messed up?