Job templates: allow for symlink'd script resource

Unless I’m incorrect, it doesn’t look like the job-template system will allow for the manifest’s script: attribute to reference a file that is not local to the template directory.

It would be a nicety if the (forthcoming) Job Composer would support, at least, a symlink in the template dir, that points to the world-readable example scripts we have our CLI-only users using.

For the curious, here’s the two workarounds I tried:

script in template-dir is symlink to outside it
result = invalid script errors

# ls -l $templates/intro_ex2
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  47 Mar 20 13:34 -> /common/contrib/examples/job_scripts/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 132 Mar 20 13:38 manifest.yml

# cat $templates/intro_ex2/manifest.yml
name: "Intro exercise #1b"
host: monsoon
notes: "ex #1b: script in template-dir is symlink to /common"

manifest’s script: value is full path to file outside template-dir
result: a valid-ish job is produced, but no “Open Editor” button is offered due to the “missing” Submit Script box

# ls -l $templates/intro_ex3
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 167 Mar 20 13:37 manifest.yml

# cat $templates/intro_ex3/manifest.yml
name: "Intro exercise #1c"
host: monsoon
script: /common/contrib/examples/job_scripts/
notes: "ex #1c: script attribute points to file outside template-dir"

Hey sorry for the delay. We monitor the Get Help section very frequently, but this section not so much.

In any case, I made this ticket on our github so we don’t lose track of it: support for symlinks in project templates · Issue #3638 · OSC/ondemand · GitHub

I’ve left a comment about the implementation on that ticket. Please update the github ticket if you have any further comments.