MathWorks Licensing for HPC Centers and Community Portals

Administrators of MathWorks software (MATLAB):

Recently, MathWorks announced a transition to named user licensing from concurrent licenses that applies to Campus-Wide Licenses at universities. We received feedback from some of our customers that there was some confusion about how this change might apply to High-Performance Computing (HPC) centers. This transition does not impact HPC centers or clusters using a concurrent license, whether or not those licenses are a part of a Campus-Wide License.

The announced transition applies specifically to MATLAB desktop use in computer classrooms and teaching computer labs where users have unique computer accounts. Historically, MathWorks had provided a concurrent license for these environments, while named user licensing had been reserved for use on personal computers.

As of MATLAB R2023b, named user licensing also supports computer classrooms and
teaching computer labs, and MathWorks has begun working with license administrators of Campus-Wide Licenses to transition concurrent license deployments in these computer classrooms and teaching computer labs to named user licenses. Once transitioned, users can access MATLAB either by signing in individually using their MathWorks Account or, if Single Sign On is enabled on the Campus-Wide License, by logging in using their university credentials.

MathWorks is actively developing technical solutions that will provide a better experience for users of MATLAB in HPC centers, clusters, data portals and other Science Gateways while simplifying license administration in those environments. Until these solutions are available, MathWorks will continue to support concurrent licensing for HPC centers, clusters, and community online gateways.

Additional information about this transition can be found here:

For additional questions, please contact MathWorks Support.
Please feel free to forward this information to other colleagues who may be interested.

Lisa Kempler, Research Strategist, MathWorks

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