Motd error after update to 3.0.2

Hello OnDemand team,
After updating OpenOnDemand from version 3.0.1 to 3.0.2, I encountered an MOTD error. Could anyone please guide me on how to fix this issue? Thank you.

That is a very strange error. I’d ask that you ‘restart your webserver’ in the top right under the Help menu and see if that clears anything up.

I’d also ask what kind of MOTD you use and if you use ERB within it.

Thank you Jeff for your reply, restart the webserver didn’t work, I am using the openondemand ansible role, this is all configuration for motd, is a very simple text content.

Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 10.43.04 AM

I’m terribly sorry for the issue - I’ll look into it on Monday.

All good, thank you, have a good weekend.

Thanks for looking into it Jeff! :slight_smile:

I would like to add that we are also experiencing the same issue on 3.0.2:

Our MOTD file contains pure markdown (no ERB code), and restarting the web server didn’t work for us either

I’ll look into this this week and should have a patch shortly. Sorry again for any issues.

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Wanted to confirm I am seeing the same problem on RHEL 8.8 after upgrading to 3.0.2 with pure MD messages. Thanks.

There is some issue when we upgraded Rails for this release.

I’ve got 3.0.3 building right now and should be out shortly.

3.0.3 is now available with a fix for this issue. Sorry again!

Thanks Jeff, it did fix it.

3.0.3 has fixed the issue for us too, thanks Jeff!

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