The video and chat from the June call are at May 4 2023 - Google Drive
We will take a break for the Summer and resume the calls in September. Happy Summer everyone.
The video and chat from the June call are at May 4 2023 - Google Drive
We will take a break for the Summer and resume the calls in September. Happy Summer everyone.
Sorry, wrong month, June is at June 1 2023 - Google Drive.
Alternatively, the whole calls archive is at OnDemandTipsTricks - Google Drive.
A bunch of us hopped on the call today - this is just a reminder that we’re on break July and August and will re-convene in September.
Next Thursday, 9/7 is the first September week, as such the OOD Tips and Tricks call is on at 1pm ET. We don’t have any presentation, but, feel free to join us for discussion on what everyone would like to talk about in the future call, or if someone has something to share, feel free to prepare and present.
Quick update: I’ll be giving the same presentation I gave at the PEARC23 OOD User Group meeting and then opening the floor to questions or discussions.
Here are the video and chat from yesterday’s call:
Video: 090723.mp4 - Google Drive
Chat: 090723-chat.txt - Google Drive
Thanks to everyone who attended and to Alan for presenting.
Thank you for introducing Open OnDemand running on Fugaku in PEARC23.
Our paper on Fugaku Open OnDemand accepted to the SC23 workshop HUST (
If you would like to introduce it next time, please refer to that paper.
@mnakao Fantastic to hear! We’d love to get a copy of the paper once it’s published (or a preprint if you are willing to share it)
It’s a new month and with it comes a new Tips and Tricks call, this Thursday 10/5 at 1 pm ET, 12pm CT, 11am MT, 10am PT.
Jason Yalim from Arizona State University will discuss their addition to the Cluster Status app which displays state of each node.
The Sol supercomputer provides ASU researchers access to a state-of-the-art system with an observed GPU-only HPL speed of 2.272 PetaFLOP/s. This presentation covers the implementation of a Plotly-powered status page that is accessible by Sol’s users through the Open OnDemand interface. The page is automatically updated once a minute and abstracts supercomputer nodes as squares that are colored by their SLURM status. GPU status is further indicated with subset circle symbols, that are either empty (idle) or filled (allocated). GPU slicing through NVIDIA’s multi instance GPU (MIG) software is also indicated by circles that fill proportionally to the allocation. The source code is provided online with an open source license (GitHub - jyalim/sol-status-page).
How do I attend this call? I have been meaning to attend these and now have this time slot available.
Also, I wanted to see if I could get some help on new direction, I am wanting to go with our OnDemand service. My idea is to provide a central gateway to all HPC clusters running here at OSU. I’d like OOD to be that gateway that will allow the user to select which HPC cluster they want to submit their jobs to. The Gateway OOD will have a central user home folder service that all the other HPC clusters would mount, and we are working on a unified UID structure to solve any issues with file permissions between clusters.
Looking to see if this setup has been done elsewhere and would like to see how such a setup was configured and any other technical issues we will need to address in designing this new gateway access to HPC resources.
There is a meeting registration invite at the top of this thread.
I’d suggest opening a new topic, though our knowledge is limited as we’ve never had to tackle the different UID problems.
CJ –
You should be able to register for these calls at
Ohio Supercomputer Center
The November tips and tricks call is on Thursday, November 2nd at 1pmET/12pmCT/11amMT/10amPT
Advocate Led Long-term Gameplan for Open OnDemand (ALL GOOD )
Alan Chalker, Ohio Supercomputer Center
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) $1.5 million in funding to create a new governance organization for Open OnDemand, to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project. OSC will use the new NSF award to expand the governance structure of Open OnDemand to support its long-term viability through the addition of program management, security and QA expertise. This enhanced structure will strengthen the ability of the community of Open OnDemand developers, contributors and clients to grow and sustain the portal. An overview of the project will be provided and community feedback will be solicited on a variety of topics.
I will send the call doc link once I empty my Google Drive enough to be able to write again…
Here’s the call doc for tomorrow’s call: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 - Google Docs
FYI, Google Drive took 8 hours to reflect the space I have deleted and bring me under their quota, so, that makes me feel much better about the once per hour quota information refresh that we have on our HPC storage (though our quota refresh is immediate, it’s just the everyone’s quota info that runs once per hour).
Our paper has been published as open access.
The slides and chat from November talk are at November 3 2023 - Google Drive.
In December, we’ll hear a summary of the OOD BoF at the SC23.
Also, a big apologies from me - in the cleaning frenzy trying to get < 150 GB Google Drive limit imposed by our institution, and thanks to the general unfriendliness of the Google Drive interface, I managed to delete the videos of the past calls. I did find copies from the last year on my desktop and restored them, but those from later past are unfortunately gone.
The December Tips and Tricks call is this Thursday, 12/7 at 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 11am MT / 10am PT.
This month’s topic:
SC’23 Open User Group Recap
Julie Ma,Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
Julie will provide the same overview that was given at the SC23 Open OnDemand User Group meeting in mid November. This will be followed by an open floor for questions and discussions.
Dear Martin,
My apologies for a possible repeat request, but can you please furnish the link for registration? Thanks.
Carl Baribault
Sure, it’s hidden in previous replies so I hate to keep repeating it. Plus, one only needs to do this once, so, if you already registered it’s not needed to do it again, Meeting Registration - Zoom.