This page has encountered an unexpected error. Please refresh the page

Using OnDemand 4.0, I am seeing what appear to be new errors when the active sessions is left open for a while… I do not believe this error showed up in 3.0, but was wondering if it is possible to better understand what I am hitting? I would assume the session goes stale, but users are concerned about the “unexpected error” text.
Many thanks!

This page updates itself every so often to get the current status of these jobs.

Previous behavior was to just query forever and if it failed it never alerted the user of the failure and indeed kept querying. Most often this was because they were logged out.

Now in 4.0 if it ever encounters an error it’ll alert the user and stop querying. This was to reduce HTTP traffic to the webserver when the user is not longer authenticated or similar.

Your users should be able to disregard it and refresh the page when the encounter it.

Sounds good- thank you!