Websocket failure 1006 with VS Code

Hey, folks. Talked with @jeff.ohrstrom on Slack this afternoon, but also posting this here in case anyone has suggestions:

  • OnDemand 2.0.31 on RHEL 8.7
  • Compute node running Rocky 8, does have both TurboVNC (probably irrelevant) and python3-websockify-0.11.0-1.el8 (probably quite relevant) as part of the OS image.
  • Trying GitHub - OSC/bc_osc_codeserver: BETA - Batch Connect - OSC Code Server as what I thought was a simple first application.
  • Codeserver is provided through spack, and we’re loading version 4.4.0.

On multiple browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge) on multiple platforms (macOS and Windows) and on both IT-managed systems and personally-owned devices (so different antivirus/security software), when trying to launch the VS Code editor, we get an unrecoverable websockets failure with status 1006.

In theory, we’ve got working websockets in general, as the SSH application works fine.

We’ve put SELinux into permissive mode, disabled firewalld, and stopped the various antivirus/security tools on the OOD host. No difference for any of those changes.

I thought we might have had an issue where the compute nodes returning short hostnames versus FQDNs might have been an issue, but upon changing the hostname format and adjusting the host regex in OOD, no difference.

Any ideas would be appreciated. If we find a fix for this, will update this thread with the solution. Thanks.

Yea we have a slack thread going. It seems to be specific to VSCode as we’ve verified that the shell app (which relies heavily on websockets) works as well a Jupyter.

I’d also suggest trying a different version of VSCode. We just went from 3.9 to 4.8 skipping basically all those versions in between. So there could be some issue there with 4.4.0 specifically.

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