App does not show in pinned apps

I have added an app and I can see it in “all available apps”
How can I add it to “Pinned apps”?
Thank you,


Could you please share some screenshots of what you’re seeing? Which version of OOD are you having the issue on? I’m not sure about ‘pinned apps’ and what would be needed to get things configured correctly.


The pinned apps docs can be seen here:

You’ll find a paragraph in there to describe how to match the new app up with something this feature can understand:

[First] You can configure specific apps with a string of the type router/app_name. For example sys/jupyter is the system installed app named jupyter.

Secondly you can configure globs like sys/* to pin all system installed apps. Or Maybe sys/minimal_* to pin all system installed apps that begin with ‘minimal’.

Lastly you can choose to pin apps based off of fields in their manifest.yml file. You can match by type, category, subcategory and metadata fields. These matches are cumulative. Meaning an app has to match all of these to be pinned. 

There’s also an example config file there to help and the pinned_apps_by_group field which is likely what you’ll want to use in conjunction with your app’s manifest.yml file and the category attribute.

You can see how to use the manifest.yml file and the category attribute here:

I’ve found the cause of the issue.
There was a permissions problem with the application directory, preventing the Apache process from accessing it.
Thank you.