Updated dev version of app -- no longer appears in my sandbox apps

I am confused. I updated one of my dev apps, the form and submit files, and now the app no longer appears in my sandbox apps listing. All the other directories for apps are still there.

We are using 3.1.10 version of ood. That was updated Jan 8th. I was able to update dev apps with the normal outcome Jan 10th. No other changes to configuration.

I’ll see if I can break another dev app to confirm the behaviour.

After editting the files, I expect to ‘restart web server’, and then list sandbox apps. While I am loathe to do so, I may resort to reading documentation if this persists ( :

Are you talking about the panel on the Interactive Apps page (/pun/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sessions) or the list shown in My Sandbox Apps (Development) (/pun/sys/dashboard/admin/dev/products).

They should always show in the latter, the former could hide them if they’re somehow incorrect, but navigation to the latter link that shows all your development apps and launching it from there is a way to navigate to the page and see the reason it’s being filtered.

Hi, Jeff –

Yes, it does not appear in the view after using the ‘My Sandbox Apps’ dropdown.
The icon seems to briefly flash by, but a listing resolutely does not appear.

I’ve tried to see how I might have messed up directory permissions, but I’m not sure what could have happened. Maybe I created a fundamental error…I’ll see if I can roll back to an earlier version, say from the production app directory.

Yea all you need is a directory for it to show up in 'My Sandbox Apps'.

Maybe it is a permission issue? I just tried to replicate. Simply making a directory works, it’ll appear in the app. But changing permissions of the directory to 000 removes it.

I should mention that my peer-to-peer executable app sharing is not working.
I still have ‘/usr/*’ under pinned in the ondemand.d/ondemand.yml

I have gateways:
$ ls -l /var/www/ood/apps/dev/mrd20/gateway
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 May 17 2023 /var/www/ood/apps/dev/mrd20/gateway → /home/mrd20/ondemand/dev/pioneer
$ ls -l /var/www/ood/apps/usr/mrd20/gateway
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 May 17 2023 /var/www/ood/apps/usr/mrd20/gateway → /home/mrd20/ondemand/share/pioneer

Thanks again

I’m going to say I’ve resolved the situation by copying the full directory:
cp -r Pioneer_RStudio_R4.4/ Pioneer_RStudio_Jan25/

The new directory does show up in the listing.
I’ve duplicated the permissions of these two directories, but the original Pioneer_RStudio_R4.4/ still will not appear in the sandbox list.

I judge that the directory/directory-metadata is corrupted.
I’ll resume work with the newly copied directory, and report back.

Cheers, and thanks
~ Em