File browser in job composer

Hi All,

For file manipulations in job composer like choosing working directory, required input file, … we could only find bc_js_filepicker (GitHub - OSC/bc_js_filepicker: A file picker for Batch Connect applications ) to include but then the way that files/directories are sorted by default (not sure what are they are sorted on) makes it hard to browse to a directory if there are large number of them. One can use filter but then the problem is that the filter doesn’t clear even after you select a filtered directory so the filter still applies to the new directory that you enter so it doesn’t show full content unless you manually clear the filter. This can become a souce of confusion for novice users so I was wondering if anybody has faced these issues and if there is any workaround? or if it’s possible to use the file browser of the ood itself in the job composer? The ood file browser is working all fine, it can sort and the filter also works fine and clears after it filters and you enter a filtered folder.
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi and welcome!

Sadly, though - I have nothing but bad news for you.

That repo is not being maintained at the moment. We’re re-writing it so it’s within Open OnDemand itself and not a 3rd party repo. We’re also re-writing the job composer! Both of those are ongoing though, and we don’t know when we’ll ship them.

So, my suggestion would be, if you’re making updates to the job composer (which I’m inferring from your post) you’ll likely have to fork and make updates to that repo as well. Or submit pull requests to it. We’re not actively maintaining it right now, but if it becomes nice for other apps in other languages that’s all good!

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your prompt response.
I wanted to investigate first and make sure that we are not missing anything here and there is no other alternative and then decide how to move forward. Yes, we are looking at options on how to integrate this in the composer and we decide on expanding the current filepicker project we’d be glad to submit a pull request and share. I hope your new job composer comes out soon as that is a very nice feature of ood especially for novice hpc users. So an integrated file browser is intended to be part of the new job composer that you are re-writing?

Thank youm

Be careful with forks. My advice: clone it to a separate repo where it is the root (the repo doesn’t have ALL of OnDemand, only the job composer app). Disable our job composer and install yours as a completely separate app. That way any updates we make (we don’t make many but I am about to upgrade it’s rails version from 5 to 6) don’t impact any updates you make.

We call it a file picker. And my guess is, anywhere where you’d like to pick a file (batch jobs or interactive jobs) we’ll drop the button there.

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