nf-core seems to be getting a lot of interest by bioinformaticians and we would love to be able to present a local version via OOD. I notices Pitt Uni has it running via their instance of OOD (They are using a Shiny version of the Launcher). I wonder if anyone else has a version of the “Launch pipeline » nf-core” that they can run on their clusters?
Hello Chris, our center (Purdue Uni) are planning to deploy nf-core on our OOD using regular launcher instead of Shiny. We already deployed three nf-core pipelines, and are working on the remaining ones. How about your center?
Hello, Chris and Zhan,
just to let you know that my team, at our center ( IFOM - ETS ), is working on that. @Clockris is in charge of the development. @zhan4429 we are trying to support multiple version of the pipelines.
Would be nice to share experience on that.
One shortcoming of our script is how to support multiple versions of pipelines. The form.yml.erb is based on the latest version of pipelines. We haven’t figured out how to easily swich form based on versions. I am curious about how your center solve this issue.