Not sure exactly what went wrong. I didn’t have OOD_SSHHOST_ALLOWLIST defined before, and the shell app worked great. I could open an ssh connection to the cluster just fine. At some point, after making some other (unrelated, I would think) changes, it stopped working. I just get ‘No clusters defined.’ which, checking the underlying pages, means OOD_SSHHOST_ALLOWLIST is zero length? This variable was never defined before and it has always worked great. Running OOD 3.1.7.
root@vh-ood:/var/www/ood/apps/sys/shell# grep -R -C2 'No clust'
app.js-function detect_auth_error(requestToken, client_origin, server_origin, host) {
app.js- if (host_allowlist.length == 0) {
app.js: return "No clusters defined.";
app.js- } else if (client_origin &&
app.js- client_origin.startsWith('http') &&
root@vh-ood:/var/www/ood/apps/sys/shell# grep -C2 -R host_allowlist
app.js-const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true });
app.js:let host_allowlist = [];
app.js-if (process.env.OOD_SSHHOST_ALLOWLIST){
app.js: host_allowlist = Array.from(new Set(process.env.OOD_SSHHOST_ALLOWLIST.split(':')));