Where do I start to propose our IT department to install Open on Demand on our HPC cluster?

We have HPC cluster on our campus with little to no support from our ITS department. We would like to propose a case study showing them how beneficial it would be to utilize Open on Demand. Do you have documentation specifying the security, the case study the use case directed and college university IT department. They have a lock down mentality towards big data and power computing.

Hi and welcome!

You’re in luck, because we just made this page regarding security: Security — Open OnDemand 3.1.0 documentation

As to the case study, here are several we know about (and a shout out to the good folks at INL for a great case study that I know of off of the top of my head).


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Thank you very much Jeff and when you say we just made documentation are you part of the team that approached university leadership to stand up Open on Demand? I am essentially asking the path you and team took. Did you approach the Research Division first and they approached the IT department or does OSC have research team that handles all the back end server work and separate from the university network and IT department?

No - I can give you more here, but it’s anecdotal to your question. I can’t answer this. The TLDR is is that OSC invented it to meet it’s own needs some 10 years ago (before I joined the team), open sourced it a few years later and continues to maintain it now.

So I can’t speak to the early days because I wasn’t here, but moreover, it’s a system we invented so we didn’t really need anyone to buy into it - there was no 2nd or 3rd party involved.

OSC is it’s own thing, so it’s sort of a weird weird question to answer. We provide compute resources to lots of Universities in the state of Ohio. I’m technically an Ohio State University employee - but it really is a sort of technicality. OSC is a state government entity with it’s own hardware/budget/reporting structure separate from any single university.

That said - maybe someone else on this forum will chime in with their experience.

Hello Jeff after 246 days I finally got approval my IT department just asked me where do you want me to install Open on Demand?

How should i respond and what can i send them to get started on installation on our hpc cluster running RHEL 8 with Bright Cluster Manager 9.2

That’s good news!

Folks typically provision a VM dedicated to OnDemand and install on that VM. If you don’t have VMs handy or a way to provision VMs, then a login node will do in a pinch.

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Great and can you share installation guide for this?

Thank you,


Sure - it’s here on our documentation: Installation — Open OnDemand 3.1.0 documentation


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