Content for Initial Auth Page

As for the initial page prior to login, if you are referring to Basic Auth, yes its blank until you authenticate. One proposal was The idea is you take these steps:

  1. Add a static start page to /var/www/ood/public/start.html which is your unauthenticated home page. There is a link on it called “Login” that links to /pun/sys/dashboard i.e. <a href="/pun/sys/dashboard">Login</a>
  2. Set root_uri: '/public/start.html' in /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml
  3. Run sudo /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal to update Apache config
  4. Run sudo systemctl restart httpd24-httpd to restart Apache

Then if you go to the root of the OnDemand instance / you are presented with the login page. You click login, and (at least in Firefox) and the Basic Auth dialog appears over the static login page:

Of course this doesn’t work as well normal login pages. If you press cancel, you end up at /pun/sys/dashboard with an error:

And any other URL that requires authentication, like going directly to /pun/sys/dashboard, will show a blank screen till you login. I’m unaware of another approach to have the desired effect using Apache, without using another authentication module.