Hey folks,
I have a user who started a desktop session (Xfce) and kept extending it over the last 3 weeks. He reached 31 days yesterday and was no longer able to connect because apparently there’s a folder cleanup that runs through. His session folder was deleted.
The session processes are still running on the compute node. Is there a way to restore the connection to the session somehow?
Wow - OK. The deletion of these session folders is configurable - I’d guess you want to extend it beyond the default 30 days.
Do you take backups of your HOME folder - maybe you can restore it through a backup?
Also - the id given in ~/ondemand/data/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/db is the same as the output folder. If the db file still exists - you may be able to recreate the path with the same UUID.
Yea sorry I don’t really have a solution. Maybe you can help the user X11 forward through ssh? If they can still shell into the node, that may be viable.